Here's How to Extend Your Battery Life

If you want to conserve some of your battery life try these simple tricks. For your iPod, cell phone and laptops you can set the screens brightness level down some to just where it is good enough to see. If you can set the device to reduce the amount of time the back light is on. You can reduce battery consumption.

Set the sleep mode so your device will hibernate when not in use and turn down the volume. Turn off any background applications that are not being used to save some power. Take DVD's out of the drive so they do not spin and use battery power. Clean up your hard drive to get rid of any clutter you do not need.

For your car battery, heat will be the most important factor in the battery life. If you can shield it from heat or relocate it out of the engine compartment you can greatly extend its life. There is a chance that a battery never gets fully recharged if someone only takes short trips, the car is not run long enough to allow a full charge. The problem with this is that the battery life can be shortened because of this.

Keep in mind that even using these simple common sense tips, your batteries will fail at some point. Fortunately you can still get more life out of them by reconditioning them back to almost new condition. There are some techniques that can be used at home by any one to bring your batteries back to life and save you a lot of money over a period of time.

You Can Revive Four Out of Five
Seemingly "Dead" Batteries