Find Used Batteries For Solar Power Systems

If you have or are installing a solar power system in your home, have you considered how you will get new replacement batteries? You could go out and buy some golf cart batteries which would not be the cheapest way to go, or better yet find used and discarded batteries. So what would you do with these old batteries which you may have got for free?

You have the choice of restoring them back to almost new condition for very little cost. Think of the savings you would incur because you may have gotten batteries for free from someone that was trying to dispose of them. You could take them and apply the easy and cheap technology used to recondition them and install them in your solar power system.

You could even afford to get extras to have on hand for when one of your others fails, always good to have a backup. How about locating a battery from a fork lift. This would be a great catch to use for your solar power back up. These things are very expensive and if you found one that was going to be discarded and got it free or very cheap you would have made out great.

In addition to reconditioning your lead acid type batteries you could also restore other batteries around your house. For example your rechargeable battery for your cordless drill. Have you priced replacements batteries for those things, very expensive. Reconditioning them back to life would save you big time and you could use it for much longer than its normal lifespan.

Recondtioning Your Old Batteries Is To Your Benefit

There are clear-cut benefits to reconditioning old batteries or the ones you presently are using. You are saving yourself money by keeping your existing batteries in use and you can pick up old ones for cheap or free and recondition them back to life. An additional benefit of being able to reuse batteries is reducing the amount that makes their way to the land fills or disposed of on the side of the road. For those who are worried about the contaminating of this earth, being able to restore batteries would be a plus.

It is estimated that about 84,000 tons of C, D, and AA batteries are thrown away each year. Think of the savings if those were replaced with rechargeable batteries. The amount of battery trash could be greatly reduced. When you put batteries into your trash, it goes to the landfill and gets mixed in with everything else and eventually breaks down and gets into the soil. If you have access to a hazardous material disposal site, that would be the best way to dispose of them.

Fuji has been working on a land fill safe battery. This battery does not contain mercury, cadmium or PVC and are enclosed in plastic instead of steel. The battery is not rechargeable, but we need to wait to see how useful this one will be. Many of these rechargeable batteries could be reconditioned back to life with simple methods at home, saving even more pollution. A rechargeable battery will definitely reach a time where it no longer charges, but you can rejuvenate them.

You Can Revive Four Out of Five
Seemingly "Dead" Batteries

Have You Thought About How Batteries Work?

We use batteries more or less daily in one form or another. They might be your car battery, rechargeable batteries in electronic devices or dry cell batteries. What we may not do is think how do batteries operate. What is it regarding them that gives them power?

Those C, D and AA batteries are called dry cell because they use a paste made up of powdered chemicals. The Alkaline type use an alkaline electrolyte. The voltage which range from 1.5 to 9 volts is dependant on the number of cells and the metal used for the electrodes. The battery produces a chemical reaction which creates the electrical current.

Rechargeable batteries have a reversible chemical property. When the battery is charged again after it goes dead, it is allowed to reverse itself to hold a charge again. This is a pretty basic explanation on how these work.

What makes lithium batteries so popular? They are much lighter than other types of rechargeable batteries. The electrodes are made from highly reactive lithium and carbon and can store a lot of energy. By comparison a lithium battery might store 100 watt-hours per kilogram where a lead acid battery might store 25 watt-hours.

The downside to lithium batteries is that they have a life span of about 2 or 3 years whether you use them or not. They are sensitive to high temperatures which can shorten their life. You should not allow the battery to fully discharge because it may ruin them. At the extreme, there have been some rare instances of lithium batteries bursting into flames.

You Can Revive Four Out of Five
Seemingly "Dead" Batteries