You Can Restore Your Failing Batteries

One of the main reasons batteries fail is because of lead sulfate crystals that form on the plates. Lead sulfate is made during the natural charging and discharging operation of the battery and its buildup will reduce the efficiency of your battery until your battery dies.

While you discharge your battery through use then recharge it, the formation of sulfate on the plate begins its build up. As you keep charging it over and over the sulfate get thicker. To bring your battery back to life you could use one of the processes to recondition the battery that will brake up those sulfate crystals and turn them back to a lead mass on the plates.

The benefit to being able to restore your batteries back to useful condition is you save money, you would be postponing having to go out and buy a new battery. In addition you would be helping the environment by reducing the amount of waste going into our landfills.

Reconditioning works with batteries for cars, golf carts, fork lifts and the rechargeable batteries you use around your home such as power tools. Have you checked the cost for a replacement battery for cordless drills. They can cost more than the drill itself.

If you have a solar power system at your home you could save big time by finding free or cheap used batteries and reconditioning them back to life. You could have the batteries you need for you system plus some extras.

You could even start a side business reconditioning batteries for people for a fee and saving them money too. The processes are simple and can be done by anyone at home.

Benefits of Reconditioning Old Batteries

There are definite benefits to reconditioning old batteries or the ones you currently are using. You are saving yourself money by keeping your current batteries operational and you can pick up old ones for cheap or free and recondition them back to life. Another benefit of being able to reuse batteries is reducing the amount that makes their way to the land fills or disposed of on the side of the road. For those who are concerned about the contaminating of this earth, being able to rejuvenate batteries would be a plus.

It is estimated that about 84,000 tons of C, D, and AA batteries are thrown away each year. Think of the savings if those were replaced with rechargeable batteries. The amount of battery trash could be greatly reduced. When you put batteries into your trash, it goes to the landfill and gets mixed in with everything else and eventually breaks down and gets into the soil. If you have access to a hazardous material disposal site, that would be the best way to dispose of them.

Fuji has been working on a land fill safe battery. This battery does not contain mercury, cadmium or PVC and are enclosed in plastic instead of steel. The battery is not rechargeable, but we need to wait to see how useful this one will be. Many of these rechargeable batteries could be reconditioned back to life with simple methods at home, saving even more pollution. A rechargeable battery will definitely reach a time where it no longer charges, but you can rejuvenate them.

You Can Revive Four Out of Five
Seemingly "Dead" Batteries

Restore Your Rechargeable Batteries

How many times have you tossed out old batteries when you thought they were dead? There have been plenty that I got rid of. That was before I learned that you can restore them back to life and keep using them longer. I think of the savings I could have made in car batteries and rechargeable batteries over the years. My brothers golf cart battery could have had its life extended much beyond its normal lifespan before he bought a new one, again saving money.

If you have the time and willingness to try, you could make a business out of reconditioning batteries for people. You could charge them a fee depending on the type of battery. Maybe you could try it part time to get a feel for it, if it works out you could go full time.

It does not take much by way of tools to repair batteries. You can get the tools you need for reconditioning your own batteries for about $50.00 or about $120.00 if you make a business of it. The types of batteries you could repair are car, marine, wheelchair and golf carts. Then you have the rechargeable type used in lap tops and other electron devices.

There are some e-books you can get online that will teach you how to rejuvenate and recondition. You can learn how to repair a battery and measure their capacity, all with the inexpensive tool. For a tip on extending your battery life, use a smart charger that senses when the battery has reached full charge or when the temperature reaches a certain threshold. The smart charger will not overcharge the battery therefore shortening its life.

You Can Revive Four Out of Five
Seemingly "Dead" Batteries