Learn How to Recondition Batteries and Save Money

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Gallen_Ho]Gallen Ho

Learning how to recondition battery is the solution to restore old batteries to new again. This is an ideal solution for people who often discard batteries when they stop functioning after a period of time and purchasing new ones again and again. Just imagine the amount of money everyone can save by reconditioning these old batteries.

There is a common misconception among many people in regards to recharging and reconditioning for being identical. The fact is that recharging a battery only gives charge for a period of time, however, battery reconditioning means restoring the battery to its full capacity.

When you learn how to recondition battery, you will eventually come across various methods of approach. Some people may use mechanical tools to recondition them, and some others will build new devices. Some experts even place their batteries in a freezer throughout the night and then recharging it. This process takes about 3 full cycles for the battery to start working again. Also, some chargers come along with the option of reconditioning and they do work extremely well with fridge pre-conditioned batteries.

There are many companies out there that offer reconditioning services, however, homeowners can do it themselves by buying a reconditioner. In fact, some batteries do not require a special reconditioner and can be easily reconditioned by draining the battery completely with the help of a battery powered device or a resistive circuit that discharges the battery safely and then charging it as per normal.

All types of batteries, including the latest car batteries can be reconditioned, but if the reconditioning process is done by the users, it has to be handled with extreme care as they do contain dangerous acids. Before learning how to recondition battery, it is essential to understand the various battery types and know exactly how it should be appropriately handled.

Explore the highly recommended [http://www.greenearth4energy.com/battery_reconditioning.html]battery reconditioning site that provides you with wealth of information such as how to recondition battery, improving battery life and many other benefits of using Lead Acid batteries. Learn [http://www.greenearth4energy.com/recondition_battery.html]how to recondition battery today; master the true knowledge of saving money on energy.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Learn-How-to-Recondition-Battery-and-Save-Money&id=3368446] Learn How to Recondition Battery and Save Money

You Can Recondition Your Old Rechargeable Batteries

Being able to recondition your old rechargeable batteries is not difficult once you learn how to do it. The procedures are simple and can be done at home with some simple tools.

It does not cost much to get together the tools you need and they should be available in your local area. The savings of reconditioning your batteries as opposed to buying new ones will make it worth it.

You may potentially never have to buy a new battery again. You could find batteries that were going to be disposed of and get them for free or for a small fee.

People would be willing to let you have their batteries because they are not sure how to dispose of them. Your taking them will help keep them out of the trash and landfill.

A simple test with a meter will tell you if a battery is worth reconditioning. Some batteries may be too far gone to be worth fooling with so testing them will help weed them out.

You can get batteries for power tools, cell phones, laptops and even car and golf cart batteries plus more.

When you consider the cost of batteries this can save you money. You can even help your friends and family with this. If you live in a country where car batteries are very expensive or hard to get, reconditioning them would be a great benefit.

Think of the business potential of this, other people would be bringing their batteries to you for reconditioning.

Restore Your Own Batteries And Save Money

With the cost of rechargeable batteries it makes sense to get as much life out of yours as possible. There is a procedure that you can perform yourself to do this and it is worth a try. The procedure is called cycling and basically submits your battery to charge and discharge cycles.

Do not try this cycling on lead acid batteries like in cars or lithium-ion batteries as found in cell phones and laptop computers. Otherwise you can do this procedure on other household rechargeable batteries like power tools, cordless phones and such.

What cycling will do is erase the memory effect that occurs from normal use with NiCad and NiMH batteries. It increases the charge capacity and in turn gives you more life out of them. The best case is to do this when you realize your battery is not holding a charge like it used to.

When the battery is almost fully discharged, not completely discharged, fully recharge the battery. Again let it almost fully discharge then recharge again, repeating this 3 to 5 times. This will reverse the batteries memory effect and improve its performance.

If this does not restore your batteries performance there may be another issue such as a bad charger or bad cells in the battery. Cycling is a free and convenient way to get more use out of your rechargeable batteries. Think of the money you could be saving.

If you want to restore your car battery you can do a restoration procedure for those also. It takes a inexpensive tool and some simple instructions and can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Do You Have A Solar Power System - You Can Use Used Batteries

If you have or are installing a solar power system in your home, have you considered how you will get new replacement batteries?

You could go out and buy some golf cart batteries which would not be the cheapest way to go, or better yet find used and discarded batteries.

So what would you do with these old batteries which you may have got for free?

You have the choice of restoring them back to almost new condition for very little cost. Think of the savings you would incur because you may have gotten batteries for free from someone that was trying to dispose of them.

You could take them and apply the easy and cheap technology used to recondition them and install them in your solar power system.

You could even afford to get extras to have on hand for when one of your others fails, always good to have a backup. How about locating a battery from a fork lift. This would be a great catch to use for your solar power back up.

These things are very expensive and if you found one that was going to be discarded and got it free or very cheap you would have made out great.

In addition to reconditioning your lead acid type batteries you could also restore other batteries around your house. For example your rechargeable battery for your cordless drill. Have you priced replacements batteries for those things, very expensive.

Reconditioning them back to life would save you big time and you could use it for much longer than its normal lifespan.